this is not about the benevolent dictatorship that is JWN
It can be nothing else, VIII, because the board would not have endured as long as it has otherwise.
Now, as to what you said about the bible and corn, well--EWWW.
Yeah. Mea culpa.
the darth plagueis soap opera is already winding down.
the hapless plagueis, it seems, said some naughty words that contravened the posting guidelines and he has brought down on his head the wrath of the owner and his moderators.
regardless, this is not about the benevolent dictatorship that is jwn but about standards of behaviour, permissiveness and tolerance and what, exactly, causes offense.
this is not about the benevolent dictatorship that is JWN
It can be nothing else, VIII, because the board would not have endured as long as it has otherwise.
Now, as to what you said about the bible and corn, well--EWWW.
Yeah. Mea culpa.
the darth plagueis soap opera is already winding down.
the hapless plagueis, it seems, said some naughty words that contravened the posting guidelines and he has brought down on his head the wrath of the owner and his moderators.
regardless, this is not about the benevolent dictatorship that is jwn but about standards of behaviour, permissiveness and tolerance and what, exactly, causes offense.
Hey there, Gregor. No, I didn't write Plagueis' words. I am apologising only for my own. You are apparently not one of those who might take offense to the Bible being likened to excrement, so my post wasn't meant for you anyway.
You've evidently missed the point of what I had to say, or you have been offended by it. Whatever. In future I will try to be more succinct (and clearer). Thank you for the coaching.
the darth plagueis soap opera is already winding down.
the hapless plagueis, it seems, said some naughty words that contravened the posting guidelines and he has brought down on his head the wrath of the owner and his moderators.
regardless, this is not about the benevolent dictatorship that is jwn but about standards of behaviour, permissiveness and tolerance and what, exactly, causes offense.
The Darth Plagueis soap opera is already winding down. The hapless Plagueis, it seems, said some naughty words that contravened the Posting Guidelines and he has brought down on his head the wrath of the owner and his moderators. Regardless, this is not about the benevolent dictatorship that is JWN but about standards of behaviour, permissiveness and tolerance and what, exactly, causes offense. It is also about owning the consequences of what we have to say.
If I was to list the most insufferable characteristics of the righteously religious, at the very top would be sacrimoneous indignation. In my experience a serious but respectful challenge to what a righteous individual believes, particularly if put forward with evidence, knowledge and conviction, has the potential to precipitate rage. Not putting a too delicate or politically correct spin on it, the Muslims have some of the most graphic examples within their ranks - say something even mildly critical or irreverant about the Prophet and you can expect not only rage but a fatwah on your life. Not quite as intolerant toward those who dare not believe what they believe are some within the WTS. There is nothing quite as transparent as the tremulous look of contempt on the face of a Watchtower elder seriously confronted with the truth about The Truth. The complexion of the thing changes, however, when words are disrespectful and taking offense is justified.
In a currently active thread entitled: I need a show of hands: who believes the Bible and to what extent?, the following post was made:
There are most definitely elements of truth in the Bible, otherwise it would not be credible at all, even to the gullible. But I might liken those elements of truth to the undigested kernels of corn one might see in feces - they're still edible, but I'm not too interested in picking them out before I flush it all down the toilet where it belongs.
While the post may push the envelope of vulgarity, it does not apparently violate the Posting Guidelines, but it's a safe bet that there are those who would find the comment deeply offensive. Far more offensive, perhaps, than Plagueis' potty mouth - particularly to those gentle souls who regard the Bible and its contents with a deep, abiding love and reverance. But after two days, narry a comment, doubtless because it absolutely deserves none.
I can say with complete certainty that the poster's intent was not to offend and that he later had sober second thoughts about his sense of decorum and the appropriateness of his words. I know this because the words are mine. They may express my perspectives unambiguously but they are also disrespectful, for which I may expect to be disrespected in kind. Ye reap what ye sow.
To those who I offended, though none have yet spoken up, my apologies.
i see some here who seem to despise the religion.
others seem to feel that witnesses are wacky but they don't hate them.. do you hate this religion?.
I have no hatred toward its adherents. I feel a deep abiding love toward a couple of them, in fact. On rare occasions I have encountered Witnesses I truly disliked, but I think the feeling might have been mutual. The Watchtower itself, by that I mean the Society and its doctrines, I loathe. How can one feel otherwise toward something that has taken the lives of innocents and diminished the lives of so many people over the past 150 years or so?
a couple of photos to give you a laugh - me with a perm and on our wedding day.. .
Yes, I remember the 80's well. The 60's not so much (which meant I was there). Got married in the early 70's - I wore a purplish tux with a frilly shirt, hair cropped just above my shoulders, moustache and mutton chops, platform heels. I looked like a complete dork. In comparison, you look very normal.
i'll start off.. i don't believe anything is divine about bible writings.
i believe there may be some marginal history although not much.
i think alot of folk tales and regional myths are contained in the old testament.
Thank you, PSacramento. I'm not making the connection, however. It sounds like, this is a constant, therefore God did it? It would make an interesting PhD thesis.
I'm with Thomas. Show me a bona fide miracle and I will believe again. Otherwise, not gonna happen. To paraphrase John 20:26-29, Naive are those who have not seen yet believe because they will believe whatever they are told to believe and they shall invariably be led astray.
i'll start off.. i don't believe anything is divine about bible writings.
i believe there may be some marginal history although not much.
i think alot of folk tales and regional myths are contained in the old testament.
Both list some scientific evidence for the belief in God.
Just one little morsel of evidence is all I ask. However, I know you're at work at the moment (I assume you actually do some work when you're at work, right?) so won't bother you now. Maybe when you get a chance, though, you could encapsulate the evidence. I am certain there are many in here who would be delighted to entertain it.
did anyone watch tom hanks and denzel washington, in the show "philadelphia"?.
i never saw it when it first came out, probably because when you're a jw anything about gays and aids is pretty much forbidden!.
but i watched this unfolding drama tonight and wept throughout the whole thing!.
I waited until just two years ago to watch the movie - it came out in 1993, when I was still a homophobe. That is not a proud admission, but there it is. I also watched Brokeback Mountain around the same time. Neither movie made me weep but both contributed to my sense of compassion for my fellow human beings, even those whose values do not mesh entirely with my own. I'm currently watching the TV series "Six Feet Under" in sequence, just starting season 4. I am always alone in the room because, well, my wife is a Witness and we all know what the WTS teaches about homosexuality - another thing on which we are now at odds. Anyway, I have still found myself squirming a little and even fast-forwarding through some of the more torrid scenes between Michael C. Hall and Matthew St. Patrick, so I guess I still have traces of the phobia to work out of my system.
Philadelphia is a great movie. (Maybe best watched alone for the first time, VoidEater, depending on your circumstances).
a male!
treating all men as potential predators doesn't make our kids safer."
I have never heard of a pedophile that was gay..has anyone else?
echoing freddo, yes, many pedophiles prefer children of their own gender, but there is no scientific evidence to indicate that gays are more disposed to pedophilia than straights (although the Vatican says there's a link).
There are those who disagree with the above sentiment.
i'll start off.. i don't believe anything is divine about bible writings.
i believe there may be some marginal history although not much.
i think alot of folk tales and regional myths are contained in the old testament.
I can suggest a few books...
Having read the recommended texts from a number of people who have felt the need to help my bankrupt spirituality without any lights going on, I would prefer the Coles Notes version, PSacramento.